< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=752706245610748&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> About Us – Braza HK

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About Us

Braza is providing nude bra and lingerie products that promise comfort, confidence, and a carefree positive dressing experience for every woman.

Our goal is to always be on the “cutting edge of fashion and technology” in developing new functional, problem-solving nude bra and related products that women expect.

Brand Story

The Braza product line has now grown to almost 200 products that help women dress “smarter” and more confidently. Our original slogan “Supporting Fashion In All The Right Places” still rings true and is more germane now than ever before. Our latest registered trademark “Problem Solved” really says it all and retailers around the globe continue to choose Braza when they want the very best in bra products & lingerie accessories.

Braza holds many U.S. and International Patents and is currently involved in the development of several ground-breaking nude bra products that women everywhere will applaud.

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